My love affair with Persian carpets began when I was a very young boy living in Baltimore. My grandparents had a room sized Sarouk in their living room they had purchased at McDowell's in Baltimore in the early 1900's and I would run my toy fire engine along the wide borders pretending they were streets. I inherited that Sarouk decades later, in the early 1980's ,and my oldest son ran his toy cars along those same borders. My grandparents also had two Hamadan village rugs in their foyer, beautiful sturdy little mats which guests would wipe their shoes on. Those mats, almost 100 years old, are still going strong, covering hardwood floor in our teenage son's bedroom.
I started in this because of my deep appreciation for the design, color and harmony of the carpets. I had a full time career teaching Advanced Placement Literature at Langley High School in McLean, Virginia and I saw in these woven treasures the same elements of construction I referenced when teaching my students how to understand Shakespeare and write essays. I took to heart Edgar Allen Poe's statement that "the carpet is the soul of the apartment."
In the mid 1980's, after years of learning about Persian carpets from some of the most knowledgeable and respected people in the business, I started as an independent broker and consultant in the Washington, DC area. I had access to numerous sources of some of the very finest inventory in the world. My goal to teach and educate my clients was a good compliment to my day job and helping people make their homes beautiful with the warmth and character of a Persian carpet was my deep pleasure. Please enjoy browsing my current inventory and let me know if I can be of service to you.